Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lesson Day One

Component I:  Classroom Teaching
Task A-1:  Teaching and Learning Context

Intern Name: Casey Unger
                                                                                         Date: 6/1/13
Content Areas:
Fluency, Comprehension and Expression
Grade Level(s):

Daily average number of students taught

School Instructional Goals 

Analyze major school instructional goals, and briefly describe your anticipated contribution.  Work with your resource teacher, colleagues, principal, or other school personnel to help identify these goals.

In the 2012-2013 school year the school wide goal is to make a difference and be "difference makers."  In order for the school district to begin to make a difference the teachers aligned the curriculum.  District wide, each grade level aligned the currciulum and made a pacing guide for each six weeks.  We have district wide "I can" statements and assessments that each school will use.  Throughout this year, the teachers are to meet and help improve the alignment of the curriculum.  Making the pacing guide has been very benefial and a learning experience.

Develop (conduct) an inventory of available resources and assistance. (Possible examples: technology, parent involvement, supplies, and human resources available to you.) 

According to the school report card, Stanton Elementary has 1,882 hours of parent volunteers.  Each classroom has four computers for students use and one for teachers use.  All teachers have a document camera, tv, and sound systems that include hands free microphone and hands free mic for teachers.  All teachers maintain teacher websites that informs parents and students of upcoming events and educational materials to work with at home.  Students and teachers have access to: school computer lab, internet, laptops, laptop carts, portable Smartboards and digital cameras.   Parents are very involved at Stanton Elementary.  Last year, 473 parents attended at least one teacher conference .  Number of parents who have voted for SBDM members is 21 and 15 have served on this committee.

Describe how you will utilize resources to implement school and instructional goals.  

I utilize available resources on a daily bases.  Students have the opportunity to use computers daily during Fast ForWord (reading program aligned with standards).  I use the sound system on a daily bases because it projects my voice for the student and it keeps them focused.  Students enjoy the use of the microphone and all students listen to each other speaking.  The document camera is used daily as well and used to model work and the computer and projector is used for Discovery Education videos and other great resources on the computer.  These resources will help implement my instructional goals, while helping teach the common core standards.

Critical Student Characteristics or Attributes
  1.  Using appropriate student achievement and demographic data, identify and describe the characteristics of your students that will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs. (In developing your response, you may need to examine characteristics such as differences in culture, language, and learning styles as well as differences in developmental levels and achievement levels.)

  1. Based on the diversities you’ve described in a above develop a profile for three specific students in your class(es) that you teach during your school day.  See KTIP Completed Tasks Examples for a sample.

Your committee members will review and evaluate your performance on this task using Standard 1: The teacher demonstrates applied content knowledge and Standard 2: The teacher designs and plans instruction.
Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task A-2:  Lesson Plan

Intern Name:      Casey Unger                               Date:            6/1/13                                 Cycle:

# of Students:    18                               Age/Grade Level:         6/K                 Content Area: Comprehension/Fluency/Expression

Unit Title:   Readers Theatre                                       Lesson Title: Day 1: Expressions
Lesson Alignment to Unit
Students will read with expressions.

a)      Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards.

 ELACC2RI4: Determine the meanings of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.

ELACC2RI6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including
what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

ELACC2RF4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support
a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
c.       Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate,
and expression on successive readings.
d.      Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition
and understanding, rereading as necessary.

b)      Describe students’ prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.

Students have prior knowledge of reading fluently and using expressions.  They know when to use expressions but this lesson will focus on certain words.  

c)      Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment.

A summative assessment will be done on day three when students perform for an audience.

d)      Describe the characteristics of your students identified in Task A-1 who will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit.

This lesson will require differentiated instruction.  For each part pair one or two (preferably) good readers.  Make sure to have strong readers for the Narrator and any other major characters with lots of speaking parts.  The weaker readers will then be able to better read aloud if they have someone strong to read along with them.    

e)      Pre-Assessment:  Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior
Pre-assessment could be STAR reading assessment or any type of reading oral assessment to determine the students level of reading.

Lesson Objectives/
Learning Targets


Instructional Strategy/Activity

Students will read with expressions.

Assessment description:
The students will highlight words to use expression when reading.

Assessment Accommodations:
Students will be assigned parts, reading through their parts and then deciding which words will need emphasized with expressions.  They will highlight the words the group agrees upon.  

Activity Adaptations:
When monitoring students if they are not understanding or correctly highlighting words, give them another color highlighter to start again.

Document camera, computer, and sound system.
Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and where of the instructional strategies and activities.)

Step 1: Introduce the lesson by explaining reader’s theatre.  “This will be a three day process and we will learn to read more fluently, have expression, comprehend the text better and perform for an audience.  Today’s “I can” statement will be I can decide what words need more emphasize and read those words with expression.  Provide example of sentences that and have students decide which words need emphasized.   Example: I fell into a hot pot!
Step 2: Hand out scripts and activate prior knowledge of the story. (Free scripted can be found online)
Step 3: Read the script with the students.  Discuss the plot, setting, and characters.  Make sure the students know the role of each character.
Step 4 Assign parts:  For each part pair one or two (preferably) good readers.  Make sure to have strong readers for the Narrator and any other major characters with lots of speaking parts.  The weaker readers will then be able to better read aloud if they have someone strong to read along with them.   
Step 5: Model with student’s one line on how to read it together (this will be the main focus for day two however this needs to be discussed today).
Step 6: Separate groups in the room so they can only hear each other in their group.  They will practice just their lines.
Step 7: Have each group reread their parts and decide what words need to be emphasized with expression.   Highlight on only one copy that words that all group members agree upon. 
Step 8:  For steps 6-8 the teacher will be walking around the room to make sure they are on task and highlighting words that should be emphasized.  If students have highlighted too many words or incorrect words give them another highlighter color to start over. 
Step 9: Collect scripts for assessment on the words they decided to emphasize. Review content covered in today’s lesson.